- August 04, 2016
In this project, you’ll build a functional, two-person tic-tac-toe game. You’ll use the provided mockups, HTML, CSS and image files to create a game that requires players to add their names, take turns adding an X or O to the game board, and announce when the game ends. You’ll need to keep track of the state of the game — who’s turn it is, where the X’s and O’s are on the board, and whether the game is a draw or, if not, who won and lost.
You’ll use your knowledge of JavaScript data structures like arrays and objects as well as DOM-manipulation using jQuery or plain JavaScript to complete this project.
And, in order to make sure you’re practicing good programming practices, use the module pattern to create your Tic-Tac-Toe game. In other words, you should wrap all of your code in a single global variable, or execute it all in a single self-invoking function. See the link in the project resources for a Treehouse workshop on the module pattern.
Link to live demo:
- CSS3
- Design
- JavaScript
- jQuery